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Ўзбекистон Республикаси фанлар академияси Абу Райҳон Беруний номидаги Шарқшунослик институти тўплами = The collection of the Al-Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies, the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan = Собрание Института востоковедения имени Абу Райхона Беруни Академии наук Республики Узбекистан /

Ŭzbekiston Respublikasi fanlar akademii︠a︡si Abu Raĭḣon Beruniĭ nomidagi Sharqshunoslik instituti tŭplami = The collection of the Al-Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies, the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan = Sobranie Instituta vostokovedenii︠a︡ imeni Abu Raĭkhona Beruni Akademii nauk Respubliki Uzbekistan / F.F. Abdukholiqov [and 8 others].

By: Abdukholiqov, F [author of the series.]
Language: Uzbek, English, Russian Series: Ўзбекистон маданий мероси = The cultural legacy of Uzbekistan = Культурное наследие Узбекистана ; XXI-XXV Series: : 21-25.Publisher: Toshkent : "Silk Road Media" : "East Star Media", 2020-Description: 5 volumes : illustrations (black and color) ; 30 cm.Content type: text Media type: unmediated Carrier type: volumeISBN: 9789943580121; 9789943580138; 9789943580145; 9789943580152; 9789943580169Other title: Собрание Института востоковедения имени Абу Райхона Беруни Академии наук Республики Узбекистан Other title: Collection of the Al-Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies, the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan | Sobranie Instituta vostokovedenii︠a︡ imeni Abu Raĭkhona Beruni Akademii nauk Respubliki UzbekistanSubject(s): Abu Raĭḣon Beruniĭ nomidagi Sharqshunoslik instituti | Manuscripts, Uzbek -- Catalogs | Art, Uzbek -- CatalogsLOC classification: Z6621.A133 | A35 2020
Item type Home library Collection Shelving location Call number Status Notes Date due Barcode Item holds
Book Book British Museum Middle East Shelves CEN G 5 UZB/VOL. 21 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) Available Part 1: historical works and documents ME000000022873
Book Book British Museum Middle East Shelves CEN G 5 UZB/VOL. 22 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) Available Part 2: the exact and natural sciences. ME000000022874
Book Book British Museum Middle East Shelves CEN G 5 UZB/VOL. 23 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) Available Part 3: belles-lettres. ME000000022875
Book Book British Museum Middle East Shelves CEN G 5 UZB/VOL. 24 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) Available Part 4: Islam, philosophy and Sufism. ME000000022876
Book Book British Museum Middle East Shelves CEN G 5 UZB/VOL. 25 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) Available Part 5: miniature and colligraphy. ME000000022877
Total holds: 0

Each volume contains a mini brochure about the volumes in "Cultural Legacy" series in a pocket.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

In Uzbek, Russian, and English.