Nécropolis 2 / édité par Jean-Yves Empereur, Marie-Dominique Nenna. by Empereur, J.-Y. (Jean-Yves) | Nenna, Marie-Dominique | Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire. Publisher: Le Caire : Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 2003Availability: Items available for loan:
(2). Location(s): Egypt and Sudan SERIES: ÉTUDES ALEXANDRINES 7/VOL. 1.
Fouilles à Baouît / par Émile Chassinat. by Chassinat, Emile, 1868-1948 | Bénazeth, Dominique [editor.] | Meurice, Cédric, 1970-. Publisher: Le Caire : Impr. de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1911-Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: SERIES: MIFAO 13]
(2). Location(s): Egypt and Sudan SERIES: MIFAO 13.
The city of Akhenaten / by T. Eric Peet and C. Leonard Woolley ...[et al]. by Peet, T. Eric (Thomas Eric), 1882-1934 | Woolley, Leonard, Sir, 1880-1960 | Frankfort, Henri, 1897-1954 | Pendlebury, J.D.S. (John Devitt Stringfellow), 1904-1941. Language: English Publisher: London : Egypt Exploration Fund; Bernard Quaritch, 1923-1951Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: SERIES: EES MEMOIRS 38]
(5). Location(s): Egypt and Sudan SERIES: EES MEMOIRS 38.
Finds from Kom Ichkâw / by Hishmat Messiha. by Misihah, Hishmat. Publisher: Le Caire : Organisme général des impr. gouvernementales, 1983-Other title: Fragments of Coptic and Greek papyri from Kom Ichkâw.Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: SERIES: SASAE 29]
(1). Location(s): Egypt and Sudan SERIES: SASAE 29.
Les pyramides de Sakkara : la pyramide à degrés, la pyramide de l'Horus-Sekhem-Khet, la pyramide d'Ounas, la pyramide d'Ouserkaf, la pyramide de Téti, le Sérapeum et les mastabas de Ti et de Ptah-Hotep = The pyramids of Sakkara : the Step Pyramid, the Pyramid of Horus Sekhem-Khet, the Pyramid of Unis, the Pyramid of Userkaf, the Pyramid of Teti, the Serapeum and the Mastabas of Ti and Ptah-hotep / Jean-Philippe Lauer. by Lauer, Jean Philippe, 1902-2001. Edition: 7th ed., revised and expanded.Language: French, English Publisher: Le Caire : Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 2015Other title: Pyramids of Sakkara : the Step Pyramid, the Pyramid of Horus Sekhem-Khet, the Pyramid of Unis, the Pyramid of Userkaf, the Pyramid of Teti, the Serapeum and the Mastabas of Ti and Ptah-hotep.Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: KE5.LAU]
(1). Location(s): Egypt and Sudan KE5.LAU.