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Your search returned 933 results.

I monumenti sepolcrali scoperti nei mesi di maggio, giugno e luglio 1863 presso la chiesa della Santa Trinità in Atene / Descritti da Antonino Salinas e disegnati da Ambrogio Seveso.

by Salinas, Antonino, 1841-1914 | Seveso, Ambrogio.

Publisher: Torino : Tip. eredi Botta, 1863Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Greek Sculpture: Funerary: SAL] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Greek Sculpture: Funerary: SAL.
The shoulder-pinned back mantle in Greek and Roman sculpture.

by Roccos, Linda Jones.

Publisher: Ann Arbor : University Microfilms International, 1988Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Roman Sculpture: General: ROC] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Roman Sculpture: General: ROC.
The technique of Greek sculpture in the archaic and classical periods / by Sheila Adam.

by Adam, Sheila | British School of Archaeology at Athens.

Publisher: London : Thames & Hudson, 1966Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Greek Sculpture: General: ADA] (3). Location(s): Greece and Rome Greek Sculpture: General: ADA.
Daedalus, or, The causes and principles of the excellence of Greek sculpture / by Edward Falkener.

by Falkener, Edward, 1814-1896.

Language: English Publisher: London : Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts, 1860Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: KVS [FAL-]] (2). Location(s): Royal Anthropological Institute KVS [FAL-].
Greek sculptors at work / by Carl Bluemel ; [translated from the German by Lydia Holland]

by Bluemel, Carl, 1893- | Holland, Lydia | Ross, Betty.

Edition: 2nd English ed / [revised by Betty Ross].Language: English Original language: German Publisher: London : Phaidon, 1969Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Sculpture: Techniques & Materials: BLU] (2). Location(s): Greece and Rome Sculpture: Techniques & Materials: BLU.
Das Athener Nationalmuseum / von J. N. Svoronos.

by Svorōnos, Iōannēs N, 1863-1922 | Barth, Wilhelm Maria, 1856- | Philadelpheus, Alexandros, 1867- | Ethnikon Archaiologikon Mouseion (Greece).

Edition: Deutsche Ausgabe von Dr. W. BarthPublisher: Athen : Beck & Barth, 1908-37Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Sculpture: Museums: ATH V.1] (3). Location(s): Greece and Rome Sculpture: Museums: ATH V.1.
Etudes de sculpture et d'iconographie antiques : scripta varia, 1941-1991 / Jean Marcadé.

by Marcadé, Jean.

Publisher: Paris : Publications de la Sorbonne, 1993Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Festschriften: MAR] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Festschriften: MAR.
Les reproductions de statues sur les monnaies grecques : la statuaire archaïque et classique.

by Lacroix, Léon.

Publisher: Liège : Faculté de philosophie et lettres, 1949Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Greek Sculpture: General: LAC] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Greek Sculpture: General: LAC.
Greek and Roman sculpture : 500 plates to accompany a handbook / Edited by Edmund von Mach.

by University Prints (Winchester, Mass.) | Mach, Edmund von, 1870-1927.

Publisher: Cambridge, Mass : University Prints, 1911Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Greek Sculpture: General: MAC] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Greek Sculpture: General: MAC.
Drei Bronzen der Sammlung Helene Stathatos.

by Kunze, Emil, 1901- | Stathatou, Helenē, 1887-1982.

Publisher: Berlin : W. de Gruyter, 1953Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Bronzes: Studies: KUN] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Bronzes: Studies: KUN.
The sculpture and sculptors of the Greeks / by Gisela M. A. Richter.

by Richter, Gisela Marie Augusta, 1882-1972 | Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.).

Edition: New rev. ed.Publisher: New Haven : London : Yale University Press ; Geoffrey Cumberlege ; Oxford University Press, 1950Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Greek Sculpture: General: RIC] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Greek Sculpture: General: RIC.
Römische Bildnisse / von Carl Blümel.

by Blümel, Carl, 1893-1976 | Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (Germany).

Publisher: Berlin : Verlag für Kunstwissenschaft, 1933Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Sculpture: Portraits: BLU] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Sculpture: Portraits: BLU.
Index der Museen zu Ernst Buschor : das hellenistische Bildnis.

by Buschor, Ernst, 1886-1961.

Publisher: [S.l. : s.n., n.d]Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Sculpture: Portraits: BUS] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Sculpture: Portraits: BUS.
Notizia di un busto di Demostene con greca epigrafe : letta all'Accademia Ercolanese / dal F. M. Avellino.

by Avellino, Francesco Maria, 1788-1850.

Publisher: Napoli : nella Stamperia Reale, 1841Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Sculpture: Portraits: AVE] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Sculpture: Portraits: AVE.
Die Anfänge der griechischen Bildniskunst : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Individualität / von Ernst Pfuhl.

by Pfuhl, Ernst, 1876-1940.

Publisher: München : F. Bruckmann, 1927Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Sculpture: Portraits: PFU] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Sculpture: Portraits: PFU.
The sculpture and sculptors of the Greeks / by Gisela M.A. Richter.

by Richter, Gisela Marie Augusta, 1882-1972 | Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.).

Edition: [2d ed.]Publisher: New Haven, Conn. : London : Yale University Press ; Humphrey Milford ; Oxford University Press, 1930Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Greek Sculpture: General: RIC] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Greek Sculpture: General: RIC.
Recherches sur les ateliers de sculpteurs et la Cité d'Athènes à l'époque archaïque : Endoios, Philergos, Aristoklès / Didier Viviers.

by Viviers, Didier | Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Classe des beaux-arts.

Publisher: [Bruxelles] : Académie Royale de Belgique, Classe des Beaux-Arts, 1992Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Greek Sculpture: Archaic: VIV] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Greek Sculpture: Archaic: VIV.
Ein Werk des Panainos / von Eugen Petersen.

by Petersen, Eugen Adolf Hermann, 1836-1919.

Publisher: Leipzig : E.A. Seemann, 1905Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Greek Sculpture: Classical & Later: PET] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Greek Sculpture: Classical & Later: PET.
Praxitèle / sous la direction d'Alain Pasquier et de Jean-Luc Martinez ; textes de Michel Amandry ... [et al.]

by Pasquier, Alain | Martinez, Jean-Luc | Amandry, Michel | Musée du Louvre.

Publisher: Paris : Musée du Louvre éditions : Somogy, c2007Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Greek Sculpture: Classical & Later: PAS] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Greek Sculpture: Classical & Later: PAS.
Der Fries des Tempels der Athena Nike / von Carl Blümel.

by Blümel, Carl, 1893-1976.

Publisher: Berlin : Josef Altmann, 1923Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Greek Sculpture: Architectural: BLU] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Greek Sculpture: Architectural: BLU.
Die Apotheose des Homer in galvanoplastischer Nachbildung / herausgegeben durch E. Braun.

by Braun, Emil, 1809-1856.

Publisher: Leipzig : Georg Wigand, 1848Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Greek Sculpture: Reliefs: BRA] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Greek Sculpture: Reliefs: BRA.
Greek terracottas / [by] R.A. Higgins.

by Higgins, R. A. (Reynold Alleyne), 1916-1993.

Publisher: London : Methuen, 1967Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Terracottas: Studies: HIG] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Terracottas: Studies: HIG.
Das hellenistische Bildnis.

by Buschor, Ernst, 1886-1961.

Publisher: München : Biederstein, [1949]Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Sculpture: Portraits: BUS] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Sculpture: Portraits: BUS.
Bildnisse berühmter Griechen / Anton Hekler.

by Hekler, Antal, 1882-1940.

Edition: 3., erw. Aufl.Publisher: Berlin ; Mainz : Florian Kupferberg, 1962Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Sculpture: Portraits: HEK] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Sculpture: Portraits: HEK.
Bildnisse berühmter Griechen / Anton Hekler.

by Hekler, Antal, 1882-1940.

Edition: 2. Aufl.Publisher: Berlin : Florian Kupferberg, 1942Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Sculpture: Portraits: HEK] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Sculpture: Portraits: HEK.
The discobolus / Ian Jenkins.

by Jenkins, Ian (Ian Dennis).

Publisher: London : British Museum Press, 2012Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: BM Catalogues & Studies: JEN] (2). Location(s): Greece and Rome BM Catalogues & Studies: JEN.
Monumenti Scelti Borghesiani illustrati da Ennio Quirino Visconti; nuovamente pubblicati per cura del dottor Giovanni Labus ...

by Visconti, Ennio Quirino, 1751-1818 | Labus, Giovanni, 1775-1853 | Rome. R. Galleria e Museo Borghese.

Publisher: Milano, Società Tipogr. de'Classici Italiani, 1837Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Museums: General: ROM] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Museums: General: ROM.
Manuel d'archéologie grecque : La sculpture / Charles Picard.

by Picard, Charles, 1883-1965.

Publisher: Paris : Picard, 1935-1963Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Greek Sculpture: General: PIC] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Greek Sculpture: General: PIC.
Die Vorbilder der neuattischen Reliefs / Werner Fuchs.

by Fuchs, Werner, 1927-.

Publisher: Berlin : De Gruyter, 1959Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Greek Sculpture: Reliefs: FUC] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Greek Sculpture: Reliefs: FUC.