The worlds of Kiss (Bis) György Világai. by Kiss, György | Krasznahorkai, Géza. Language: Hungarian, English Publisher: Budapest : Kiss György, [2010]Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: M HU 20 KIS]
(1). Location(s): Coins and Medals M HU 20 KIS.
Catalogue of paintings and sculpture. by National Gallery of Canada | Hubbard, R. H. (Robert Hamilton), 1916- | Popham, A. E. (Arthur Ewart), 1889-1970 | Fenwick, Kathleen M, 1901-1973. Publisher: Ottawa : published for the Trustees of the National Gallery of Canada by the University of Toronto Press, 1957-Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: Aj.2.5 V. I]
(1). Location(s): Prints and Drawings Aj.2.5 V. I.
Les sculptures grecques / par Marianne Hamiaux ; sous la direction d'Alain Pasquier. by Musée du Louvre. Département des antiquités grecques, étrusques et romaines | Hamiaux, Marianne | Pasquier, Alain. Edition: Vol. 1: 2e éd., rev. et aug.Publisher: Paris : Réunion des musées nationaux : Distribution, Seuil, 1998-2001Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: Sculpture: Museums: PAR V.2]
(2). Location(s): Greece and Rome Sculpture: Museums: PAR V.2.
AMSA2000 by American Medallic Sculpture Association. Publisher: New York : American Medallic Sculpture Association, 2000Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: M US 20 AMS]
(1). Location(s): Coins and Medals M US 20 AMS.
Tarsus Müzesi taş eserleri : heykeltıraşlık ve mimari plastik eserler / Prof. Dr. Serra Durugönül, Prof. Dr. Ayşe Aydın, Yrd. Doç Dr. Münteha Dinç, Yrd. Doç Dr. Deniz Kaplan, Yrd. Doç Dr. Erkan Alkaç [and three others] ; editör, Prof. Dr. Serra Durugönül. by Durugönül, Serra, 1962- [contributor,, editor.] | Aydin, Ayşe [contributor.] | Dinç, Münteha [contributor.] | Kaplan, Deniz [contributor.] | Alkaç, Erkan [contributor.] | Mersi̇n Universitesi̇ [issuing body.]. Publisher: Mersin : Mersin Üniversitesi Kilikia Arkeolojisini Araştırma Merkezi, 2016Copyright date: © 2016Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: Asia Minor & Black Sea: Sites: Tarsus: DUR]
(1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Asia Minor & Black Sea: Sites: Tarsus: DUR.
Eternal woman. by Rupert Wace Ancient Art. Publisher: London : Rupert Wace Ancient Art, [2005]Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: LF.WAC]
(1). Location(s): Egypt and Sudan LF.WAC.
Katalog over skulptur og kunstindustri. by Nasjonalgalleriet (Norway). Publisher: Oslo : Utgitt av Nasjonalgalleriet, 1952Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: Sculpture: Museums: OSL]
(1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Sculpture: Museums: OSL.
Roman sculpture from eastern England / by Janet Huskinson. by Huskinson, Janet | British Academy. Publisher: Oxford ; New York : Published for the British Academy by the Oxford University Press, 1994Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: RB 3.13 H]
(1). Location(s): Britain Europe and Prehistory RB 3.13 H.