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大英博物館寄贈大扇子の歴史 : 日本の近代扇産業と石角商店 / Daiei Hakubutsukan kizō dai-sensu no rekishi : Nihon no kindai ōgi sangyō to Ishizumi Shōten / [hensan Ishizumi Kanji].

石角完爾, by Ishizumi, Kanji, 1947- [compiler] | British Museum.

Language: Japanese, English Publisher: Tōkyō : Ishizumi Kanji, 2003Other title: 大扇子の歴史 Other title: Dai-sensu no rekishi | History of the Japanese giant folding fan : a gift to the British Museum.Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: NK4870 I85 2003] (2). Location(s): Asia NK4870 I85 2003.
日本・中国美術名品展 : 大英博物館所蔵 / Nihon, Chūgoku bijutsu meihinten : Daiei Hakubutsukan shozō / [henshū Tōkyō Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan, Asahi Shinbunsha].

東京国立博物館. 朝日新聞社. by British Museum | Tōkyō Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan | Asahi Shinbunsha.

Language: Japanese, English Publisher: [Tōkyō] : Asahi Shinbunsha, 1987Other title: 大英博物館所蔵「日本・中国美術名品展」図録 Other title: Masterpieces of Japanese and Chinese art from the British Museum | Daiei Hakubutsukan shozō "Nihon, Chūgoku bijutsu meihinten" zuroku.Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: N1040 T63 1987] (1). Location(s): Asia N1040 T63 1987.
British Museum Conservation plan : handy guide : a compact guide to appreciating and caring for the British Museum.

by British Museum | Purcell Miller Tritton LLP.

Publisher: [London] : British Museum, [1999]Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: TH9025.B7 1999] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research TH9025.B7 1999.
Hieroglyphs : unlocking ancient Egypt / edited by Ilona Regulski.

by Regulski, Ilona [editor.] | British Museum [host institution.].

Publisher: London : The British Museum Press, 2022Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: LC.HIE] (1). Location(s): Egypt and Sudan LC.HIE.
The Zodiacal coins of Shah Jahangir : 12 colour slides with a commentary.

by British Museum.

Language: English Banbury : The Trustees of the British Museum, 1976Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: IND CAT BRI] (1). Location(s): Coins and Medals IND CAT BRI.
The calligraphic arts of Ogawa Toshu / [edited by Nakano Sosui].

by Ogawa, Tōshū, 1928- [calligrapher] | Nakano, Sosui | British Museum.

Language: English Publisher: Sapporo : Executive Committee of "The Calligraphic Arts of Ogawa Toshu", Sapporo International University, [1997]Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: NK3637.A15 OGA] (2). Location(s): Asia NK3637.A15 OGA.
Conservation plan.

by Purcell Miller Tritton LLP | British Museum.

Publisher: [London] : British Museum, 2000Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: GEN C 9.4 BRI PT. 1] (4). Location(s): Middle East GEN C 9.4 BRI PT. 1.
Nero : the man behind the myth / Thorsten Opper

by Opper, Thorsten [author.] | British Museum [host institution.].

Publisher: London : The British Museum Press, 2021Copyright date: ©2021Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: BM Catalogues & Studies: OPP] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome BM Catalogues & Studies: OPP.
Hokusai : beyond the great wave / edited by Timothy Clark.

by Katsushika, Hokusai, 1760-1849 [artist] | Clark, Timothy [curator, editor] | British Museum.

Language: English Publisher: Farnborough : Thames & Hudson Ltd, in collaboration with the British Museum, 2017Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: N7359.K3.A4 2017] (2). Location(s): Asia N7359.K3.A4 2017.
La vie = Inochi / Yoshida Kenji ; [edited and by José Férez K].

吉田堅治, by Yoshida, Kenji, 1924-2009 [artist] | British Museum | Glenn Green Galleries.

Language: English, Japanese, French Publisher: London : José Férez K, 1993Other title: 生命 Other title: Inochi | "La vie " the art of Yoshida Kenji.Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: ND1059.Y675.A4 1993] (1). Location(s): Asia ND1059.Y675.A4 1993.
La Coupe de sainte Agnès : (France - Espagne - Angleterre) / Neil Stratford.

by Stratford, Neil [author.] | Académie des inscriptions & belles-lettres (France).

Language: French Publisher: Paris : Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 2022Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: ME 2.6.4] (1). Location(s): Britain Europe and Prehistory ME 2.6.4.
Susan Hefuna : anagrams / texts: Venetia Porter, Stefan Weber.

by Hefuna, Susan [artist.] | Porter, Venetia [author.] | Weber, Stefan [author.] | British Museum [host institution.].

Language: English Publisher: Heidelberg : Kehrer, 2023Copyright date: © 2023Other title: Anagrams..Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: C.1.5] (1). Location(s): Prints and Drawings C.1.5.
春画展 / Shungaten / [henshū Eisei Bunko, Shungaten Nihon Kaisai Jikkō Iinkai].

永青文庫. 春画展日本開催実行委員会. by Eisei Bunko | Shungaten Nihon Kaisai Jikkō Iinkai | British Museum.

Language: Japanese [Tōkyō] : Shungaten Nihon Kaisai Jikkō Iinkai, 2015Other title: Shunga | Shunga-ten.Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: NE1321.85.S58 E574 2015] (1). Location(s): Asia NE1321.85.S58 E574 2015.
Living with art : the Alexander Walker collection / Catherine Daunt.

by Daunt, Catherine [author.] | Winchester Discovery Centre (Winchester, England) | British Museum | Doncaster Museum and Art Gallery (Doncaster, England).

Language: English Publisher: London : The British Museum Press, 2020Copyright date: ©2020Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Bb.5.55] (1). Location(s): Prints and Drawings Bb.5.55.
Textiles from the Andes Penelope Dransart.

by Dransart, Penelope.

Publisher: British Museum Press. Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: KUL [DRA-]] (2). Location(s): Africa Oceania and the Americas KUL [DRA-].
English copper, tin and bronze coins in the British Museum, 1558-1958 / by C. Wilson Peck.

by Peck, C. Wilson | British Museum. Department of Coins and Medals.

Edition: Second editionLanguage: English Publisher: London : Trustees of the British Museum, 1964Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: B NUM 7 BRI] (1). Location(s): Coins and Medals B NUM 7 BRI.
The Cleaning and restoration of museum exhibits : second report upon investigations conducted at the British Museum.

by Scott, Alexander, 1853-1947 [author.] | Great Britain. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research | British Museum.

Language: English Publisher: London : HMSO, 1923Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: N8560 S36 1923] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research N8560 S36 1923.
African arms and armour / Christopher Spring.

by Spring, Christopher [author.] | Mack, John | British Museum.

Publisher: London : Published for the Trustees of the British Museum by British Museum Press, 1993Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: KY [SPR-]] (3). Location(s): Africa Oceania and the Americas KY [SPR-].
Gu Kaizhi and the Admonitions Scroll / edited by Shane McCausland.

by McCausland, Shane | Gu, Kaizhi, 344-405 | British Museum | Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art.

Publisher: London : British Museum, 2003Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: ND2070.G8 A634 2003] (3). Location(s): Asia ND2070.G8 A634 2003.
Southeast Asia : a history in objects / Alexandra Green.

by Green, Alexandra [author.] | British Museum.

Publisher: London : Thames & Hudson, 2023Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: DS525 G74 2023] (2). Location(s): Asia DS525 G74 2023.
The cleaning and restoration of museum exhibits : report upon investigations conducted at the British Museum / [Alexander Scott]

by Scott, Alexander, 1853-1947 [author.] | Great Britain. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research | British Museum.

Publisher: London : HMSO, 1921Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: CB.CLE] (2). Location(s): Egypt and Sudan CB.CLE.
The Charles Masson archive : British Library, British Museum and other documents relating to the 1832-1838 Masson collection from Afghanistan / Elizabeth Errington assisted by Piers Baker, Kirstin Leighton-Boyce, Wannaporn Kay Rienjang.

by Errington, Elizabeth [author.] | Baker, P. H. B. (Piers H. B.) [contributor.].

Language: English Publisher: London : British Museum, 2017Copyright date: ©2017Online access: Connect to Electronic resource. Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: IND ART ERR] (1). Location(s): Coins and Medals IND ART ERR.
Nara : sacred images from early Japan : special display / edited by Cultural Resource Utilazation Division Resional Development Department Nara Prefecture, Japanese Section Department of Asia British Museum ; supervised by Kensuke Nedachi, Timothy Clark, Samuel C. Morse.

by Nedachi, Kensuke, 1956- [curator] | Clark, Timothy, 1959- [curator] | Morse, Samuel Crowell [curator] | Nara-ken (Japan). Bunka Shigen Katsuyōka | British Museum.

Publisher: [Nara] : Nara Prefecture, 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: N7352 N4 2019] (3). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research N7352 N4 2019.
奈良 : 日本の信仰と美のはじまり / Nara : Nihon no shinkō to bi no hajimari = Nara : sacred images from early Japan / [henshū Nara-ken Chiiki Shinkōbu Bunka Shigen Katsuyōka ; Daiē Hakubutsukan Ajiabu Nihon Sekushon].

根立研介, 奈良県地域振興部文化資源活用課. by Nedachi, Kensuke, 1956- [curator] | Clark, Timothy, 1959- [curator] | Morse, Samuel Crowell [curator] | Nara-ken (Japan). Bunka Shigen Katsuyōka | British Museum.

Language: Japanese Publisher: [Nara] : Nara-ken, 2019Other title: Nara : sacred images from early Japan.Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: N8193.A3 N4 2019 a] (1). Location(s): Asia N8193.A3 N4 2019 a.
Bronzeworking centres of Western Asia, c. 1000-539 B.C. / edited by John Curtis.

by Curtis, John, 1946- [editor.] | British Museum.

London ; New York : Kegan Paul International in association with the British Museum ; 1988Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: DS56 B76 1988] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research DS56 B76 1988.
Hokusai : the great picture book of everything / Timothy Clark.

by Clark, Timothy, 1959- [author.] | Katsushika, Hokusai, 1760-1849. Works | British Museum [host institution.].

Publisher: London : The British Museum Press, 2021Copyright date: ©2021Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: NC353.K3 A4 2021] (1). Location(s): Asia NC353.K3 A4 2021.
Silk Roads / Sue Brunning, Luk Yu-ping, Elisabeth R. O'Connell and Tim Williams.

by Brunning, Sue [curator] | Luk, Yu-ping, 1978- [curator] | O'Connell, Elisabeth R [curator] | Williams, Tim, 1958- [curator] | British Museum [host institution].

Publisher: London : The British Museum, 2024Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: CEN C 0.8 BRI] (1). Location(s): Middle East CEN C 0.8 BRI.
Tibetan legacy : paintings from the Hahn Kwang-ho Collection / [catalogue by Kimiaki Tanaka].

by Tanaka, Kimiaki | British Museum.

Publisher: Seoul : Hahn Cultural Foundation, 2003Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: N8193.3.M3 TAN] (3). Location(s): Asia N8193.3.M3 TAN.
Ancient Greeks : athletes, warriors and heroes : an exhibition from the British Museum / [Peter Higgs].

by Higgs, Peter [author.] | Blanshard, Alastair [contributor.] | British Museum | National Museum of Australia.

Publisher: Canberra, ACT : National Museum of Australia, 2021Copyright date: ©2021Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: BM Catalogues & Studies: HIG] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome BM Catalogues & Studies: HIG.
Legion : life in the Roman army / Richard Abdy

by Abdy, Richard Anthony [author] | British Museum Press [publisher] | British Museum [host institution].

Language: English Publisher: London : British Museum Press, 2024Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: DO R ABD] (1). Location(s): Coins and Medals DO R ABD.