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С.М. Прокудин-Горский ва унинг АQШ Конгресси кутубхонасидаги Туркистон фотосуратлар жамланмаси = S.M Prokudin-Gorsky and his Turkestan cycle of photographs at the Library of Congress of the United States = С.М. Прокудин-Горский и его туркестанский цикл фотoграфий в Библиотеке Конгресса США / S.M. Prokudin-Gorskiĭ va uning AQSh Kongressi kutubkhonasidagi Turkiston fotosuratlar zhamlanmasi = S.M Prokudin-Gorsky and his Turkestan cycle of photographs at the Library of Congress of the United States = S.M. Prokudin-Gorskiĭ i ego turkestanskiĭ t︠s︡ikl fotografiĭ v Biblioteke Kongressa SShA / F.F. Abdukholiqov [and 2 others].

by Abdukholiqov, F [author of the series] | Prokudin-Gorskiĭ, Sergeĭ Mikhaĭlovich, 1863-1944. Photographs | Mozokhina, Natalya [author].

Publisher: Toshkent : "Silk Road Media" : "East Star Media", 2021Other title: С.М. Прокудин-Горский и его туркестанский цикл фотoграфий в Библиотеке Конгресса США Other title: S.M Prokudin-Gorsky and his Turkestan cycle of photographs at the Library of Congress of the United States | S.M. Prokudin-Gorskiĭ i ego turkestanskiĭ t︠s︡ikl fotgrafiĭ v Biblioteke Kongressa SShA.Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: CEN G 5 UZB/VOL. 30] (1). Location(s): Middle East CEN G 5 UZB/VOL. 30.