Your search returned 11 results.

Ўзбекитон маданий мерочи Италия тўпламлапида = The cultural legacy of Uzbekistan in Italian collections = Культурное наследие Узбекистана в цобраниях Италии Ŭzbekiston madaniĭ merosi Itali͡ia tŭplamlarida = The cultural legacy of Uzbekistan in Italian collections = Kul'turnoe nasledie Uzbekistana v cobrani͡iakh Italii / Firdavs Abdukhalikov.

by Abdukholiqov, F [author of the series.] | Kramer, Charlotte [author of chapter.] | El Sebaie, Sherif [author of chapter.] | Levi, alberto [author of chapter.] | Marabelli, Serena [author of chapter.] | Fiorentino, Francesca [author of chapter.].

Language: Uzbek, English, Russian Publisher: Toshkent : «Silk Road Media», 2021Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: CEN G 5 UZB/VOL. 32] (1). Location(s): Middle East CEN G 5 UZB/VOL. 32.
Чехия Республикаси тўпламлари = The collections of the Czech Republic = Собрания Чешской Республики. Chekhi͡ia Respublikasi tŭplamlari = The collections of the Czech Republic = Sobrani͡ia Cheshskoĭ Respubliki / Firdavs Abdukhalikiv.

by Abdukholiqov, F [author of the series] | Hejzlarová, Tereza [author] | Klimtová, Zdenka [author] | Pospíšilová, Dagmar [author] | Císařová Smítková, Alena [author] | Mach, David, 1956-.

Language: Uzbek, English, Russian Publisher: Toshkent : «Silk Road Media», 2021Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: CEN G 5 UZB/VOL. 16] (1). Location(s): Middle East CEN G 5 UZB/VOL. 16.
Ўзбекистон маданий мероси Полъша музейларида = The cultural legacy of Uzbekistan in museums of Poland = Культурное наследие Узбекистана в музеях Польши. Ŭzbeniston madaniĭ merosi Pol'sha myzeĭlarida = The cultural legacy of Uzbekistan in museums of Poland = Kul'turnoe nasledie Uzbekistana v myze͡iakh Pol'shi / Firdavs Abdukhalikov, author of the series.

by Abdukholiqov, F [author of the series.] | Wasilewska, Joanna [author of chapter.] | Krzywicka, Karolina [author of chapter.] | Ginter-Frołow, Magdalena [author of chapter.] | Strojecki, Igor [author of chapter.] | Szelingowska, Anna [author of chapter.].

Language: Uzbek, English, Russian Publisher: Toshkent : «Silk Road Media», 2021Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: CEN G 5 UZB/VOL. 40] (1). Location(s): Middle East CEN G 5 UZB/VOL. 40.
Дин Tарихи Давлат Музейи тўплами (Санкт-Петербург, Россия) = The collection of the State Museum of the History of Religion (St. Petersburg, Russia) = Собрание Государственного Музея Истории Религии (Санкт-Петербург, Россия) Din Tarikhi Davlat Muzeĭi tŭplami (sankt-Peterburg, Rossi͡ia = The collection of the State Museum of the History of Religion (St. Petersburg, Russia) = Sobranie Gostudarstvennogo Muze͡ia Istorii Religii (Sankt-Peterburg, Rossi͡ia) / Firdavs Abdukhalikov.

by Abdukholiqov, F [author of the series.] | Teryukova, Ekaterina [author of chapter] | Osmanova, Irina [author of chapter] | Dymshits, Valery [author of chapter] | Gyul, Elmira [author of chapter] | Fedotov, Pyotr [author of chapter].

Language: Uzbek, English, Russian Publisher: Toshkent : «Silk Road Media», 2021Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: CEN G 5 UZB/VOL. 12] (1). Location(s): Middle East CEN G 5 UZB/VOL. 12.