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Your search returned 16 results.

Excavations at Harigaon, Kathmandu : final report / by Giovanni Verardi ; with contributions by Elio Paparatti, Stefano Pracchia and Ornella Volpicelli ; technical analyses and notes by Laura Della Torre ... [et al.].

by Verardi, Giovanni | Paparatti, Elio | Pracchia, Stefano | Volpicelli, Ornella | Della Torre, Laura.

Publisher: Rome : IsMEO, 1992Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: DS11 .C43 VOL. 25] (2). Location(s): Asia DS11 .C43 VOL. 25.
Prehistoric Sīstān / edited by Maurizio Tosi.

by Tosi, Maurizio | Istituto italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente. Centro studi e scavi archeologici in Asia | Istituto universitario orientale (Naples, Italy). Seminario di studi asiatici.

Publisher: Rome : IsMEO, 1983-Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 1413D] (1). Location(s): Middle East 1413D.
Chinese, Korean, and Japanese bronzes; a catalogue of the Auriti collection donated to IsMEO and preserved in the Museo nazionale d'arte orientale in Rome, by Alexander C. Soper.

by Istituto italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente | Auriti, Giacinto, 1883- | Soper, Alexander Coburn, 1904- | Museo nazionale d'arte orientale (Italy).

Distributor: Roma : ISMEO, 1966Other title: Auriti collection.Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: NK7982 .I78] (1). Location(s): Asia NK7982 .I78.
Grate lignee nell'architettura safavide : studi e restauri a Eṣfahān = Wooden gratings in Safavid architecture : studies and restorations at Eṣfahān / Roberto Orazi.

by Orazi, Roberto | Istituto italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente. Centro restauri.

Language: Italian, English Publisher: Roma : IsMEO, 1976Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: ISL F 7 ORA] (1). Location(s): Middle East ISL F 7 ORA.
The Sabaean archaeological complex in the Wādī Yalā : (Eastern Hawlān at-Tiyāl, Yemen Arab Republic) : a preliminary report / edited by Alessandro de Maigret.

by De Maigret, Alessandro.

Publisher: Rome : IsMEO, 1988Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: ARA / YEM G MAI] (1). Location(s): Middle East ARA / YEM G MAI.
The Fullol Hoard : a new find from Bronze-Age Afghanistan.

by Tosi, Maurizio | Wardak, Rauf.

Publisher: Rome : IsMEO, 1972Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: SOU G 1.1 FUL / TOS] (1). Location(s): Middle East SOU G 1.1 FUL / TOS.
Prehistoric Sīstān / edited by Maurizio Tosi.

by Tosi, Maurizio | Centro studi e scavi archeologici in Asia (Istituto italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente).

Publisher: Roma : IsMEO, 1983Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: SOU G 1 TOS/OS] (1). Location(s): Middle East SOU G 1 TOS/OS.
Chloriteheart : Chlorite-schist artifacts recovered from Jiroft (Kerman, Iran) / by Nasir Eskandari and Massimo Vidale.

by Eskandari, Nasir [author] | Vidale, Massimo [author].

Publisher: Rome : ISMEO, 2023Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 1412D ESK] (1). Location(s): Middle East 1412D ESK.
Harigaon Satya Nārāyana, Kathmandu : a report on the excavations carried out in 1984-1988 / Giovanni Verardi ; with contributions by Maria Ferraris ... [et al.].

by Verardi, Giovanni.

Publisher: Rome : IsMeo, 1988Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: DS495.8.K3 V47 1998] (1). Location(s): Asia DS495.8.K3 V47 1998.
Shahdad : archaeological excavations of a bronze age center in Iran / Ali Hakemi ; translated and edited by S.M.S. Sajjadi ; with an introduction by P. Amiet ; a postscriptum by S. Salvatori, M. Tosi.

by Hakemi, Ali, 1915- | Sajjādī, S. Muhammad.

Language: English Original language: Undetermined Publisher: Roma : IsMEO, 1997Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 1413D] (1). Location(s): Middle East 1413D.
The pictorial tile cycle of Hašt Behešt in Iṣfahān and its iconographic tradition / Ingeborg Luschey-Schmeisser ; [translation by Josephine Lucas]

by Luschey-Schmeisser, Ingeborg | Centro studi e scavi archeologici in Asia (Istituto italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente).

Language: English, German Publisher: Rome : IsMEO, 1978Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: ISL F 7 LUS] (1). Location(s): Middle East ISL F 7 LUS.
Studies and restorations at Persepolis and other sites of Fārs.

by Britt Tilia, Ann.

Publisher: Rome : IsMEO, 1972-<1978 >Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 1413A] (1). Location(s): Middle East 1413A.
Iṣfahān: Masǧid-i Ǧum'a.

by Galdieri, Eugenio.

Language: Italian, English Publisher: Roma : IsMEO, 1972-<1884 >Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: ISL F 7 GAL V. 1] (3). Location(s): Middle East ISL F 7 GAL V. 1.
Egitto e Vicino Oriente antico tra passato e futuro : the stream of tradition : la genesi e il perpetuarsi delle tradizioni in Egitto e nel Vicino Oriente antico / a cura di Simonetta Graziani e Giancarlo Lacerenza.

by Convegno "Egitto e Vicino Oriente antico tra passato e futuro" (2nd : 2019 : Naples, Italy) | Università degli studi di Napoli "L'Orientale." Dipartimento di studi asiatici [organizer,, publisher.].

Publisher: Napoli : Roma : UniorPress ; ISMEO, 2022Online access: SHARE Libri Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: RA.NAP] (1). Items available for reference: [Call number: EBOOK] (1).
Location(s): Egypt and Sudan RA.NAP.
Travaux de restauration de monuments historiques en Iran : rapports et études préliminaires / édités par Giuseppe Zander.

by Zander, Giuseppe.

Publisher: Rome : IsMEO (Scuola grafica don Bosco), 1968-Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 1411B] (1). Location(s): Middle East 1411B.