Your search returned 4 results.

La sculpture grecque entre les guerres médiques et l'époque de Périclès.

by Joubin, André, 1868-1944.

Publisher: Paris : Hachette, 1901Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Greek Sculpture: General: JOU] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Greek Sculpture: General: JOU.
Musée impérial ottoman : bronzes et bijoux : catalogue sommaire.

by İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri | Joubin, André, 1868-1944.

Publisher: Constantinople : Typ. Lith. F. Lœffler, 1898Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Museums: General: IST] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Museums: General: IST.
Musée impérial ottoman : monuments funéraires : catalogue sommaire.

by İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri | Joubin, André, 1868-1944.

Publisher: Constantinople : Mihran imprimeur, 1893Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Sculpture: Museums: IST] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Sculpture: Museums: IST.
Musée impérial ottoman : catalogue des sculptures grecques, romaines, byzantines et franques.

by İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri | Joubin, André, 1868-1944.

Publisher: Constantinople : Mihran imprimeur, 1893Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Sculpture: Museums: IST] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Sculpture: Museums: IST.