Your search returned 6 results.

Ceramic in the society : Proceedings of the 6th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics, Fribourg, Switzerland 3-6 October 2001 / editors, S. Di Pierro, V. Serneels, M. Maggetti.

by European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics (6th: 2001: Fribourg, Switzerland) | Di Pierro, S | Serneels, Vincent | Maggetti, Marino.

Language: English Publisher: Fribourg : Department of Geosciences, Mineralogy and Petrography, University of Fribourg, 2003Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: NK3835.E433 2003] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research NK3835.E433 2003.
Augusta Raurica : Probleme, Anregungen und Neufunde / Teodora Tomasevic Buck ; mit einem Beitrag, analyse chimique, mineralogique et technique de la ceramique de vaisselle de Liebrüti, von Albert Jornet und Marino Maggetti.

by Tomasevic-Buck, Teodora | Jornet, Albert | Maggetti, Marino.

Publisher: Bregenz : Vorarlberger Landesmuseum, 2003Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: SR 666.3] (3). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research SR 666.3.
200 Jahre keramische Industrie in Matzendorf und Aedermannsdorf : 1798-1998 / [Autoren: Albert Vogt, Marino Maggetti, Giulio Galetti]

by Vogt, Albert | Maggetti, Marino | Galetti, Giulio.

Publisher: [Wolfwil : Dörig Publishing, 2000]Other title: Zweihundert Jahre keramische Industrie in Matzendorf und Aedermannsdorf.Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: GB4.ZWE] (1). Location(s): Egypt and Sudan GB4.ZWE.
Ancient and Historical Ceramics : Materials, technology, art, and culinary traditions / Robert B. Heimann and Marino Maggetti ; with contributions by Gabiele Heimann and Jasmin Maggetti.

by Heimann, R. B. (Robert Bertram), 1938- | Maggetti, Marino | Heimann, Gabiele | Maggetti, Jasmin.

Publisher: Stuttgart : Schweizerbart Science Publishers, 2014Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: SR 5E (1)] (1). Location(s): Britain Europe and Prehistory SR 5E (1).
Keramische Sondergruppen der Heuneburg / von Helga van den Boom ; Die Schüsseln und Schalen der Heuneburg / von Daniela Fořt-Linksfeiler ; mit einem Beitrag von Marino Maggetti.

by Boom, Helga van den [author.] | Fořt-Linksfeiler, Daniela [author.] | Maggetti, Marino [contributor.].

Language: German Publisher: Mainz am Rhein : Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 1989Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: PR 3.1.2/4 B] (1). Location(s): Britain Europe and Prehistory PR 3.1.2/4 B.
Der Depotfund von Arbedo TI und die Bronzedepotfunde des Alpenraums vom 6. bis zum Beginn des 4. Jh. v. Chr. = Il ripostiglio di Arbedo TI e i ripostigli di bronzi della regione alpina dal VI all'inizio del IV sec. a.C / Martin Peter Schindler ; mit Beiträgen von Peter Northover und Marino Maggetti.

by Schindler, Martin Peter | Northover, Jeremy P. (Jeremy Peter) | Maggetti, Marino.

Publisher: Basel : Verlag Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, 1998Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Roman Italy: Sites: TIC] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Roman Italy: Sites: TIC.