Your search returned 8 results.

浮世絵にみる動物たち展 / Ukiyoe ni miru dōbutsutachi ten / [henshū Rikkā Bijutsukan].

リッカー美術館. by Rikkā Bijutsukan.

Language: Japanese Publisher: [Tōkyō] : Seibu Hyakkaten, 1992Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: NE1321.8 R55 1992] (1). Location(s): Asia NE1321.8 R55 1992.
どうぶつ美術園 : 描かれ、刻まれた動物たち / Dōbutsu bijutsuen : egakare, kizamareta dōbutsutachi = Zoological art garden : animals depected and carved / [henshū Kunaichō Sannomaru Shōzōkan].

三の丸尚蔵館. by Sannomaru Shōzōkan.

Language: Japanese Publisher: [Tōkyō] : Kunaichō, Heisei 15 [2003]Other title: Zoological art garden : animals depected and carved.Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: N7660 K8 2003] (1). Location(s): Asia N7660 K8 2003.
Un bestiaire japonais : vivre avec les animaux à Edo-Tokyo ( XVIII-XIXe siècle).

by Maison de la culture du Japon à Paris.

Language: French, Unknown language code Original language: Unknown language code Publisher: Paris : Montreuil : Maison de la culture du Japon à Paris ; Éditions Gourcuff Gradenigo, 2022Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: N7660 B482 2022] (1). Location(s): Asia N7660 B482 2022.
Kyosai's animal circus / Koto Sadamura.

by Sadamura, Koto, 1982- [author.] | Royal Academy of Arts (Great Britain).

Publisher: London : Royal Academy of Arts, 2022Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: ND1059.K39 S23 2022] (1). Location(s): Asia ND1059.K39 S23 2022.
Miss Clara and the celebrity beast in art 1500-1860 / Charles Avery, Helen Cowie, Samuel Shaw and Robert Wenley.

by Avery, Charles [author.] | Cowie, Helen (Helen Louise) [author.] | Shaw, Samuel, 1984- [author.] | Wenley, Robert [author.] | Barber Institute of Fine Arts.

Language: English Publisher: Birmingham : Barber Institute of Fine Arts, 2021Copyright date: ©2021Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: F.1.51] (1). Location(s): Prints and Drawings F.1.51.
食物の美 Tabemono no bi : bellezza gusto immagine dei cibi giapponesi / Donatella Failla.

by Failla, Donatella [author] | Museo d'arte orientale E. Chiossone.

Language: Italian Publisher: [Genoa] : Sagep editori, 2016Other title: Bellezza gusto immagine dei cibi giapponesi.Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: N7353.5 F35 2016] (1). Location(s): Asia N7353.5 F35 2016.
Animalistic! / edited by Anna Schmid [and three others] ; authors, Laurent Gorgerat [and nine others]

by Schmid, Anna [editor,, author.] | Gorgerat, Laurent [author.] | Museum der Kulturen Basel | Antikenmuseum Basel und Sammlung Ludwig | Historisches Museum Basel | Universität Basel.

Publisher: Berlin : Hatje Cantz Verlag, [2021]Copyright date: ©2021Other title: Animalistic! : one theme - four exhibitions in Basel..Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: H55 [SCH-]] (1). Location(s): Royal Anthropological Institute H55 [SCH-].
Na březích Nilu = On the banks of the Nile / Pavel Onderka, Vlastimil Vrtal, Jiří Honzl, Gabriela Jungová, Jiří Janák.

by Onderka, Pavel [author.] | Vrtal, Vlastimil [author.] | Honzl, Jirí [author.] | Jungová, Gabriela [author.] | Janák, Jiří [author.] | Národní muzeum v Praze [issuing body.].

Language: Czech, English Publisher: Praha : Národní muzeum, 2019Copyright date: ©2019Other title: On the banks of the Nile.Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: LD.PRAGUE] (1). Location(s): Egypt and Sudan LD.PRAGUE.