Your search returned 13 results.

Aphrodite : Herrin des Krieges, Göttin der Liebe / Martina Seifert (Hrsg.).

Publisher: Mainz : Von Zabern, 2009Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: R&M17: APH] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome R&M17: APH.
Die Geburt der Aphrodite.

by Simon, Erika.

Publisher: Berlin : De Gruyter, 1959Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: R&M17 A.1 SIM] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome R&M17 A.1 SIM.
Aphrodite / Monica S. Cyrino.

by Cyrino, Monica Silveira.

Publisher: London : Routledge, 2010Copyright date: ©2010Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: R&M17 A.1 CYR] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome R&M17 A.1 CYR.
The goddess of love : the birth, triumph, death and return of Aphrodite / Geoffrey Grigson.

by Grigson, Geoffrey, 1905-1985.

Publisher: New York : Stein and Day, 1977Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: R&M17: APH] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome R&M17: APH.
Aphrodite auf der Ziege / Elpis Mitropoulou.

by Mitropoulou, Elpis.

Publisher: Athens : Pyli Verlag, 1975Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: R&M17 A.1 MIT] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome R&M17 A.1 MIT.
Aphrodite : Göttin der Liebe / Geoffrey Grigson.

by Grigson, Geoffrey, 1905-1985.

Publisher: Bergisch Gladbach : Gustav Lübbe Verlag, c1978Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: R&M17 A.1 GRI] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome R&M17 A.1 GRI.
Die kauernde Aphrodite / Reinhard Lullies.

by Lullies, Reinhard, 1907-1986.

Publisher: München-Pasing : Filser-Verlag, 1954Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Greek Sculpture: Classical & Later: LUL] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Greek Sculpture: Classical & Later: LUL.
Kypris : Heiligtümer und Kulte weiblicher Gottheiten auf Zypern in der kyproarchaischen und kyproklassischen Epoche (Königszeit) / Anja Ulbrich.

by Ulbrich, Anja.

Publisher: Münster : Ugarit-Verlag, 2008Other title: Heiligtümer und Kulte weiblicher Gottheiten auf Zypern in der kyproarchaischen und kyproklassischen Epoche (Königszeit).Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: TOP FLOOR (ALT)] (2). Location(s): Middle East TOP FLOOR (ALT).
Worshipping Aphrodite : art and cult in classical Athens / Rachel Rosenzweig.

by Rosenzweig, Rachel, 1968-.

Publisher: Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, c2004Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: R&M17 A.1 ROS] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome R&M17 A.1 ROS.
L'altorilievo di Afrodite a Cirene / Gustavo Traversari.

by Traversari, Gustavo.

Publisher: Roma : "L'Erma" di Bretschneider, 1959Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Greek Sculpture: Classical & Later: TRA] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Greek Sculpture: Classical & Later: TRA.
Entre ciel et guerre : figures d'Aphrodite en Grèce ancienne / Gabriella Pironti.

by Pironti, Gabriella.

Publisher: Liège : Centre international d'étude de la religion grecque antique, 2007Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: R&M17 A.1 PIR] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome R&M17 A.1 PIR.