Your search returned 7 results.

Les Séleucides et les Ptolémées : l'héritage monétaire et financier d'Alexandre le grand / Georges Le Rider, François de Callataÿ.

by Le Rider, Georges | Callataÿ, François de.

Language: French Publisher: [Monaco] : Rocher, c2006Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: G SYR LER] (1). Location(s): Coins and Medals G SYR LER.
Catalogue of Greek coins : The Ptolemies, kings of Egypt / by Reginald Stuart Poole.

by British Museum. Department of Coins and Medals | Poole, Reginald Stuart, 1832-1895.

Publisher: London : B. Quaritch, 1883Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: DO C BMC] (1). Location(s): Coins and Medals DO C BMC.
Monete tolemaiche oltre l'Egitto / Alessandro Cavagna.

by Cavagna, Alessandro.

Language: Italian Publisher: Milano : Cisalpino, Istituto editoriale universitario, [2015]Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: JA4.CAV] (1). Location(s): Egypt and Sudan JA4.CAV.
Catalogue of the coins of Alexandria and the nomes / by Reginald Stuart Poole.

by British Museum. Department of Coins and Medals | Poole, Reginald Stuart, 1832-1895.

Publisher: London : B. Quatritch, 1892Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: DO C BMC] (2). Location(s): Coins and Medals DO C BMC.
Egyptian hoards I : the Ptolemies / Thomas Faucher, Andrew Meadows, Catharine Lorber.

by Faucher, Thomas [author.] | Meadows, Andrew [author.] | Lorber, Catharine C [author.].

Publisher: Caire : Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 2017Other title: Ptolemies.Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: SERIES: BDE 168] (1). Location(s): Egypt and Sudan SERIES: BDE 168.
Catalogue of the coins of Alexandria and the nomes / by Reginald Stuart Poole.

by British Museum. Department of Coins and Medals | Poole, Reginald Stuart, 1832-1895.

Publisher: Bologna : A. Forni, 1988Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: G COLL GB BM V.15] (1). Location(s): Coins and Medals G COLL GB BM V.15.
Tell Atrib 1985-1995. II, Les monnaies ; Contexte archéologique / Aleksandra Krzyzanowska, Karol Myśliwiec.

by Krzyżanowska, Aleksandra | Myśliwiec, Karol | Centre d'archéologie méditerranéenne de l'académie polonaise des sciences | Centre Kazimierz Michalowski d'archéologie méditerranéenne de l'Université de Varsovie.

Language: French Publisher: Warsovie : Éditions Neriton, 2009Other title: Tell Atrib 1985-1995..Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: KB.KRZ] (1). Location(s): Egypt and Sudan KB.KRZ.