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Preprints : 4th Triennial Meeting Venice 13-18, October 1975 / ICOM, The International Council of Museum Committee for Conservation.

by ICOM Committee for Conservation.

Publisher: Paris : [publisher not identified], 1975Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: AM141.I266 1975 V.1] (3). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research AM141.I266 1975 V.1.
The British Museum, Department of Conservation : history, organisation, role and activities / Andrew Oddy.

by Oddy, W. A | British Museum. Department of Conservation.

Edition: 4th ed.Publisher: London : Department of Conservation, British Museum, 1997Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: MSB (ODD) CONS] (2). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research MSB (ODD) CONS.
A guide to the storage, exhibition and handling of antiquities, ethnographia and pictorial art / edited by Susan Bradley.

by British Museum. Department of Conservation | Bradley, Susan.

Publisher: London : British Museum, 1990Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: DESK F.3.35] (3). Location(s): Prints and Drawings DESK F.3.35.
The application of X-rays, gamma rays, ultra-violet and infra-red rays to the study of antiquities / A. A. Moss.

by Moss, A. A. (Alfred Allinson).

Publisher: London : Museums Association, 1954Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: SR 5W] (1). Location(s): Britain Europe and Prehistory SR 5W.
Une perfection dangereuse : la restauration des vases grecs, de Naples à Paris, XVIIIe-XIXe siècles.

by Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France.

Publisher: Paris : Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France, [2010]Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Vases: Conferences: PAR] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Vases: Conferences: PAR.
Art objects: their care and preservation : a handbook for museums and collectors.

by Fall, Frieda Kay, 1913-.

Publisher: La Jolla, Calif. : L. McGilvery, 1973Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: N8560.F32 1973] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research N8560.F32 1973.
Conservation of Alexander Cunningham's 1850s archaeological ink rubbing and inked squeeze of a stone inscription at Visvanatha temple in India / Laureent Cruveillier.

by Cruveillier, Laurent [author.] | Camberwell College of Arts.

Publisher: 1 volume (121 pages) : color illustrations ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Z110.C7 2017] (1). Location(s): Asia Z110.C7 2017.
Preprints : 5th Triennial Meeting Zagreb, 1-3 October 1978 / ICOM, The International Council of Museum Committee for Conservation.

by ICOM Committee for Conservation.

Publisher: Paris : International Council of Museums, 1978Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: AM141.I266 1978 V.1] (3). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research AM141.I266 1978 V.1.
The conservation of antiquities and works of art : treatment, repair, and restoration / by H. J. Plenderleith.

by Plenderleith, H. J. (Harold James), 1898-.

Language: Japanese Publisher: London : Oxford University Press, 1956Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: CB.PLE] (6). Location(s): Egypt and Sudan CB.PLE.
Preprints : 6th Triennial Meeting Ottawa, 21-25 September 1981 / ICOM, The International Council of Museum Committee for Conservation.

by ICOM Committee for Conservation.

Publisher: Paris : International Council of Museums, 1981Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: AM141.I266 1981 V.1] (4). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research AM141.I266 1981 V.1.
Preprints : 7th Triennial Meeting Copenhagen, 10-14 September 1984 / ICOM, The International Council of Museum Committee for Conservation in association with the J. Paul Getty Trust.

by ICOM Committee for Conservation.

Publisher: Paris : International Council of Museums, 1984Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: AM141.I266 1984 V.1] (2). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research AM141.I266 1984 V.1.
The care of historical collections : a conservation handbook for the nonspecialist [by] Per E. Guldbeck.

by Guldbeck, Per E. (Per Ernst).

Language: English Publisher: Nashville : American Association for State and Local History, 1972Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: NK1127.5.G85 1972] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research NK1127.5.G85 1972.
Die Konservierung von Altertumsfunden : mit Berücksichtigung ethnographischer und kunstgewerblicher Sammlungsgegenstände.

by Rathgen, Friedrich, 1862-1942.

Edition: 2. umgearb. Aufl.Publisher: Berlin : G. Reimer, 1915-24Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Conservation: RAT V.1] (2). Location(s): Greece and Rome Conservation: RAT V.1.
The preservation of museum objects in war-time / H. J. Plenderleith.

by Plenderleith, H. J. (Harold James), 1898-.

Publisher: [s. l.] : [s. n.], 1943Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: SR 5W] (1). Location(s): Britain Europe and Prehistory SR 5W.
Restauration de l'objet archéologique : à propos de l'exposition "Origines de Caen" / Elisabeth Carbonneaux.

by Carbonneaux, Elisabeth.

Publisher: Caen : [Musée de Normandie], 1983Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: CC76.C37 1983] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research CC76.C37 1983.
Les sciences du patrimoine : identifier, conserver, restaurer / Jean-Pierre Mohen.

by Mohen, Jean-Pierre, 1944-.

Publisher: Paris : Editions Odile Jacob, c1999Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: CB.MOH] (1). Location(s): Egypt and Sudan CB.MOH.
Chinese export watercolours : employing micro-emulsions for the removal of stains and animal glue / by Melissa Lewis.

by Lewis, Melissa [author.].

Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], [date of publication not identified]Availability: Items available for reference: [Call number: N8560 L4 2011] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research N8560 L4 2011.
The art and antique restorers' handbook : a dictionary of materials and processes used in the restoration & preservation of all kinds of works of art / by George Savage.

by Savage, George, 1909-1982 [author.].

Publisher: [London] : Rockliff, [1954]Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: N8560 S38 1954] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research N8560 S38 1954.
Preprints : 10th Triennial Meeting Washington, DC, USA 22-27 August 1993 / ICOM Committee for Conservation.

by ICOM Committee for Conservation.

Publisher: Paris : International Council of Museums, 1993Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: AM141.I266 1993] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research AM141.I266 1993.
Managing conservation : papers given at a conference held jointly by the United Kingdom Institute for Conservation and the Museum of London, October 1990 / editor, Suzanne Keene ; production editor, Victoria Todd.

by Keene, Suzanne | United Kingdom Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works | Museum of London.

Language: English Publisher: London : United Kingdom Institute for Conservation, c1990Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: AM7.M357 1990] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research AM7.M357 1990.
Retouching of art on paper / Tina Grette Poulsson.

by Poulsson, Tina Grette.

Publisher: London : Archetype, 2008Availability: No items available
The conservation of antiquities and works of art : treatment, repair and restoration / Harold James Plenderleith and A.E.A. Werner.

by Plenderleith, H. J. (Harold James), 1898- | Werner, A. E. A. (Alfred Emil Anthony), 1911-.

Edition: Second edition.Publisher: London : Oxford University Press, 1971Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: HAD8 [PLE-]] (5). Location(s): Africa Oceania and the Americas HAD8 [PLE-].
Los metales plateados como policromía (las corladuras) : análisis-experimentación y restauración / Luis Ángel de la Fuente Rodríguez.

by Fuente Rodríguez, Luis Ángel de la.

Publisher: [Bilbao] : Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco = Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua, [1999]Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: N8560.F84 1999] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research N8560.F84 1999.
Antiques, their restoration and preservation / by A. Lucas .

by Lucas, A. (Alfred), 1867-1945.

Publisher: London : E. Arnold & Co, 1924Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: HAD [LUC-]] (4). Location(s): Africa Oceania and the Americas HAD [LUC-].
How to gold leaf antiques and other art objects : techniques of an ancient art explained step by step in how-to-do-it text and pictures / Donald L. Chambers.

by Chambers, Donald L.

Language: Japanese Publisher: London : Allen and Unwin, 1973Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: TT380.C45 1973] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research TT380.C45 1973.
Restoring junk / written and illustrated by Suzanne Beedell, with the editorial assistance of Barbara Hargreaves ; foreword by John Bedford.

by Beedell, Suzanne | Hargreaves, Barbara.

Publisher: London : Macdonald & Co, 1970Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: N8560.B44 1970] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research N8560.B44 1970.
Preprints : 9th Triennial Meeting Dresden, Germany Democratic Republic 26-31 August 1990 / ICOM, Committee for Conservation.

by ICOM Committee for Conservation | Getty Conservation Institute.

Publisher: Los Angeles : ICOM, 1990Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: AM141.I266 1990] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research AM141.I266 1990.
The conservation of decorative arts / edited by Velson Horie.

by Horie, C. V. (Charles Velson) | Horie, Velson | Horie, Velson | United Kingdom Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works | Victoria and Albert Museum | National Trust (Great Britain).

Language: English Publisher: London : London : Archetype ; United Kingdom Institute for Conservation and Historic and Artistic Works, c1999Online access: The John G. Hartman Memorial Library Fund Home Page Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: N8560.C656 1999] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research N8560.C656 1999.