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International Symposium on the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property : conservation of wood : 24-28 November 1977, Tokyo, Nara and Kyoto, Japan.

by International Symposium on the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (1st: 1977: Tokyo, Japan, etc.) | Tōkyō Kokuritsu Bunkazai Kenkyūjo.

Language: English Publisher: [Tokyo] : Organizing Committee of International Symposium on the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property, c1978Other title: Conservation of wood..Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: N8554.5.I56 1978] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research N8554.5.I56 1978.
International Symposium on the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property : integrated pest management in Asia for meeting the Montreal Protocol, 1999.

by International Symposium on the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (23rd : 1999 : Tokyo, Japan) | Tokyo Kokuritsu Bunkazai Kenkyujo.

Language: English Publisher: Tokyo : Tokyo National Research Institute of Cultural Properties, c2001Other title: Integrated pest management in Asia for meeting the Montreal Protocol.Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: AM141.I66 2001] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research AM141.I66 2001.
Architectural and sculptural stone in cultural landscape / editors Richard Přikryl and Petr Siegl.

by Lux et Lapis (2002: Valtice, Czech Republic).

Publisher: Prague : Charles University in Prague, The Karolinum Press, 2004Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: TA426.A73 2004] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research TA426.A73 2004.
The mechanics of art materials and its future in heritage science / edited by Dawn V. Rogala, Paula T. DePriest, A. Elena Charola, and Robert J. Koestler.

by Mechanics of Art Materials and Its Future in Heritage Science: A Seminar and Symposium (2016 : Smithsonian Institution) [author.] | Rogala, Dawn V [editor.] | DePriest, Paula T. (Paula Teresa), 1957- [editor.] | Charola, A. Elena [editor.] | Koestler, Robert J. (Robert John), 1950- [editor.].

Language: Japanese Publisher: Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Scholarly Press, 2019Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: TA404.8.M44 2019] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research TA404.8.M44 2019.
Cultural property and analytical chemistry : 27-30 November 1978, Tokyo and Tsukuba, Japan / [sponsored by] Tokyo National Research Institute of Cultural Properties.

by International Symposium on the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (2d: 1978: Tokyo and Yatabe-machi, Japan,) | Tōkyō Kokuritsu Bunkazai Kenkyūjo | International Symposium on the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (2nd: 1978: Tokyo and Tsukuba).

Language: English, French Publisher: Tokyo : Organizing Committee, 1979Other title: Cultural property and analytical chemistry.Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: CC135.I66 1979] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research CC135.I66 1979.
Biodeterioration of cultural property 2 : proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Biodeterioration of Cultural Property, October 5-8, 1992, held at Pacifico Yokohama (Pacific Convention Plaza Yokohama) / editors Kenzo Toishi ... [et al.].

by International Conference on Biodeterioration of Cultural Property (2nd : 1992 : Yokohama-shi, Japan) | Toishi, Kenzō, 1913-.

Publisher: Tokyo, Japan : International Communications Specialists, 1993Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: QP517.B5 I583 1993] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research QP517.B5 I583 1993.
Current problems in the conservation of metal antiquities / International Symposium on the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property, October 4-October 6, 1989.

by International Symposium on the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (13th : 1989 : Tokyo, Japan) | Tōkyō Kokuritsu Bunkazai Kenkyūjo.

Publisher: Tokyo, Japan : Tokyo National Research Institute of Cultural Properties, 1993Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: TA462.I58 1993] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research TA462.I58 1993.
Climatologia applicata alla conservazione dei beni archeologici e storico-artistici : atti del convegno, [Trento, 22-24 ottobre 1998].

by Trento (Italy : Province). Servizio beni culturali.

Language: Italian Summary language: English Publisher: Trento : Provincia Autonoma di Trento, 1999Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: AM148.C55 1999] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research AM148.C55 1999.
Traffico illecito del patrimonio archeologico : internazionalizzazione del fenomeno e problematiche di contrasto : Atti del 7° Convegno Internazionale Roma, 25-28 giugno 2001 / [Comando Carabinieri Tutela Patrimono Culturale]

by Italy. Esercito. Carabinieri.

Publisher: Rome : Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato Libreria dello Stato, 2002Other title: Atti del 7° Convegno Internazionale Roma, 25-28 giugno 2001. | Bollettino di Numismatica. Supplemento al n. 38 (2002). Traffico illecito del patrimonio archeologico..Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Antiquities: Illicit/Looted: CAR] (2). Location(s): Greece and Rome Antiquities: Illicit/Looted: CAR.
Conservation-restoration of leather and wood training of restorers / editors: István Éri and Gabriella Sárközy.

by International Restorer Seminar (6th : 1987 : Veszprém, Hungary) | Éri, István | Sárközy, Gabriella | Központi Múzeumi Igazgatóság (Hungary).

Language: English, French, German Publisher: Budapest : National Centre of Museums, 1987Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: TS967.I58 1987] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research TS967.I58 1987.
Materials issues in art and archaeology V : symposium held December 3-5, 1996, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. / editors: Pamela B. Vandiver ... [et al.].

by Vandiver, Pamela B | Materials Research Society.

Publisher: Pittsburgh : Materials Research Society, c1997Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: CC135.M38 1997] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research CC135.M38 1997.
문화 유산 보존 원칙 과 합리적 판단 : 논문집 2010 : 국제 학술 심포지엄 = Conservation ethics for rational decision making : the dialogue between east and west : proceedings of international symposium / Munhwa yusan pojon wŏnch'ik kwa hamnijŏk p'andan : nonmunjip 2010 : kukche haksul simp'ojiŏm = Conservation ethics for rational decision making : the dialogue between east and west : proceedings of international symposium / chipp'il Kim Yong-han [and eight others].

김 용한, 국립 문화재 연구소 (Korea), by Kim, Yong-han, 1955 January 6- | Kungnip Munhwajae Yŏn'guso (Korea).

Language: Korean, English Publisher: Taejŏn Kwangyŏksi : Kungnip Munhwajae Yŏn'guso, 2010Other title: Conservation ethics for rational decision making : the dialogue between east and west : proceedings of international symposium.Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: CC135.M83 2010] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research CC135.M83 2010.
Materials issues in art and archaeology IV : symposium held May 16-21, 1994, Cancun, Mexico / editors, Pamela B. Vandiver ... [et al.]

by Vandiver, Pamela B | Materials Research Society.

Language: Japanese Publisher: Pittsburgh : Materials Research Society, c1995Availability: No items available
Cultural property and its environment.

by Tōkyō Kokuritsu Bunkazai Kenkyūjo | International Symposium on the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (14th : 1990 : Tokyo, Japan).

Publisher: Tokyo : Tokyo National Research Institute of Cultural Properties, 1995Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: N8849 I59 1990] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research N8849 I59 1990.
Symposium 86 : the care and preservation of ethnological materials : proceedings = L'entretien et la sauvegarde des matériaux ethnologiques : actes / editors : R. Barclay [et al].

by Barclay, R | Canadian Conservation Institute.

Language: English Publisher: Ottawa : National Museums of Canada, [1987?]Other title: Care and preservation of ethnological materials. | L'entretien et la sauvegarde des matériaux ethnologiques..Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: HAD8 [CAN-]] (2). Location(s): Africa Oceania and the Americas HAD8 [CAN-].
International Symposium on the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property : spectrometric examination in conservation.

by Tōkyō Kokuritsu Bunkazai Kenkyūjo | International Symposium on the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (18th : 1994 : Tokyo, Japan).

Publisher: Tokyo : Tokyo National Research Institute of Cultural Properties, 1996Other title: Spectrometric examination in conservation.Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: CC135 I66 1996] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research CC135 I66 1996.
Of the past, for the future : integrating archaeology and conservation : proceedings of the conservation theme at the 5th World Archaeological Congress, Washington, D.C., 22-26 June 2003 / edited by Neville Agnew and Janet Bridgland.

by World Archaeological Congress (5th : 2003 : Washington, D.C.) | Agnew, Neville, 1938- | Bridgland, Janet.

Publisher: Los Angeles, Calif. : Getty Conservation Institute, 2006Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: CC135.W67 2003] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research CC135.W67 2003.
Conservation of ancient sites on the Silk Road : proceedings of the second international conference on the conservation of grotto sites, Mogao Grottoes, Dunhuang, People's Republic of China, June 28-July 3, 2004 / edited by Neville Agnew.

by Agnew, Neville, 1938-.

Publisher: Los Angeles : Getty Conservation Institute, 2010Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: ND2849.T86 C66 2010] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research ND2849.T86 C66 2010.
Plaster casts : making, collecting, and displaying from classical antiquity to the present / edited by Rune Frederiksen and Eckart Marchand.

by Frederiksen, Rune | Marchand, Eckart.

Language: English, French Publisher: Berlin : De Gruyter, 2010Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Casts: FRE] (1). Location(s): Greece and Rome Casts: FRE.
Biodeterioration of cultural property 3 : proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Biodeterioration of Cultural Property, July 4-7, 1995, held at Hilton International Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand / editors, Chiraporn Aranyanak, Chalit Singhasiri.

by International Conference on Biodeterioration of Cultural Property (3rd : 1995 : Bangkok, Thailand) | Čhirāphō̜n ʻAranyanāk | Chalit Singhasiri | Thailand. Conservation Science Division.

Publisher: Bangkok : Conservation Science Division, Office of Archaeology and National Museums, The Fine Arts Department, 1995Other title: Biodeterioration of cultural property three. | Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Biodeterioration of Cultural Property..Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: QP517.B5 I583 1995] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research QP517.B5 I583 1995.
Materials issues in art and archaeology VI : symposium held November 26-30, 2001, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. / editors: Pamela B. Vandiver ... [et al.].

by Materials Research Society (2001: Boston, Mass.) | Vandiver, Pamela B | Goodway, Martha | Mass, Jennifer L | Materials Research Society.

Language: English Publisher: Warrendale, Pa. : Materials Research Society, 2002Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: CC135.M38 2002] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research CC135.M38 2002.
Heritage at risk = Patrimoine en péril = Patrimonio en peligro : ICOMOS world report 2001/2002 on monuments and sites in danger / editorial team: Dinu Bumbaru, Sheridan Burke, Jane Harrington, Michael Petzet, John Ziesemer.

by International Council on Monuments and Sites | Conference "Heritage at risk" (2001 : Munich, Germany) | Bumbaru, Dinu | Burke, Sheridan | Harrington, Jane | Petzet, Michael | Ziesemer, John.

Language: English, French, Spanish Publisher: München : K.G. Saur, 2001Other title: Patrimoine en péril | Patrimonio en peligro | ICOMOS world report 2001/2002 on monuments and sites in danger.Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: GEN B 1.1 ICO] (1). Location(s): Middle East GEN B 1.1 ICO.
Biodeterioration of cultural property : proceedings of the International Conference on Biodeterioration of Cultural Property, February 20-25, 1989, held at National Research Laboratory for Conservation of Cultural Property, in collaboration with ICCROM and INTACH / editors, O.P. Agrawal, Shashi Dhawan ; foreword by R.C. Tripathi.

by International Conference on Biodeterioration of Cultural Property (1989 : National Research Laboratory for Conservation of Cultural Property) | Agrawal, Om Prakash, 1931- | Dhawan, Shashi | National Research Laboratory for Conservation of Cultural Property (India) | International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property | Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage.

Publisher: Delhi : Macmillan India, 1991Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: QP517.B5 I583 1991] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research QP517.B5 I583 1991.
Intangibility matters : International Conference on the values of tangible heritage : IMaTTe 2017 : proceedings : Lisbon, LNEC : May 29-30, 2017 / editors, Marluci Menezes, Dória Rodrigues Costa, José Delgado Rodrigues.

by Menezes, Marluci, 1964- [editor.] | Rodrigues Costa, Dória [editor.] | Rodrigues, J. Delgado (José Delgado) [editor.] | Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (Portugal) [organizer.] | International Conference on the Values of Tangible Heritage (2017 : Lisbon, Portugal).

Publisher: Lisboa : LNEC, 2017Other title: IMaTTE 2017.Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: CC135 M4 2017] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research CC135 M4 2017.
Stemming the Tide : Global Strategies for Sustaining Cultural Heritage through Climate Change / edited by Rebecca Rushfield.

by Rushfield, Rebecca Anne [editor.] | Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press [issuing body.] | Stemming the Tide: Global Strategies for Sustaining Cultural Heritage through Climate Change (Symposium) (2020 : Smithsonian Institution).

Publisher: Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Scholarly Press, 2021Copyright date: ©2021Other title: Global Strategies for Sustaining Cultural Heritage through Climate Change.Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: H85 [RUS-]] (1). Location(s): Africa Oceania and the Americas H85 [RUS-].
Conservation of living religious heritage : papers from the ICCROM 2003 forum on living religious heritage : conserving the sacred / editors, Herb Stovel, Nicholas Stanley-Price, Robert Killick.

by Stovel, Herb | Stanley-Price, Nicholas | Killick, Robert | International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property | Accademia nazionale dei Lincei.

Publisher: Rome : ICCROM, 2005Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: NA105.C6723 2005] (1). Location(s): Conservation and Scientific Research NA105.C6723 2005.
La tutela per i beni culturali : aspetti giuridico-operativi : atti del convegno, Roma, Città giudiziaria, Aula magna della Corte d'appello, 8 marzo 2007.

by Italy. Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali.

Publisher: Roma : Istituto poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, Libreria dello Stato, 2007Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: Antiquities: Illicit/Looted: ROM] (2). Location(s): Greece and Rome Antiquities: Illicit/Looted: ROM.
Cultural heritage at risk : the role of museums in war and conflict / editors, Kurt Almqvist & Louise Belfrage.

by International Symposium on Cultural Heritage at Risk: the Role of Museums in War and Conflict (2015 : Stockholm, Sweden) | Almqvist, Kurt [editor.] | Belfrage, Louise [editor.] | Axel och Margaret Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse.

Publisher: Stockholm : Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation, 2016Other title: Role of museums in war and conflict.Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: GEN B INT] (1). Location(s): Middle East GEN B INT.